Scheu & Kniss Shipping and Return Policy

The standard limited warranty is for one year on all parts and labor, only. Scheu & Kniss, LLC (SK) accepts complete responsibility for all items covered under this Warranty.  It is the SK's intention to honor as warranty items any design-related issues which have been agreed to by both parties.


SK warrants that the products sold will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will perform to SK applicable published specifications for a period of one year from the date of shipment from SK. SK promises to provide parts and labor necessary to repair or replace any product or part thereof which, under normal operating conditions in the plant of the original Buyer, fails to operate as a result of a defect in material or workmanship within 12 months from the date of original shipment from SK facility.  At the sole option of SK, SK may choose to provide a refund or partial refund in lieu of any warranty parts or labor.  This warranty is in effect provided the Buyer:

A.  Promptly notifies SK in writing within 30 days upon discovery of the defect with a detailed explanation of any alleged deficiencies, and that

B.  Such goods are made available for SK inspection or, at the request of SK, the Buyer returns the defective parts to SK, F.O.B. the SK facility. Buyer shall pay the costs of shipping and insurance associated with such return, and SK shall pay the shipping and insurance costs associated with the return, of the repaired or replaced Product, to the Buyer; and that

C. SK examination of such goods discloses that such alleged deficiencies actually exist and were not caused by accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation, unauthorized repair or programming; and that

D.  Buyer provides trained on-site personnel to assist the SK personnel in determining the cause of the equipment problems and has on-site the recommended spare parts; and that

E.  Once all reasonable repair efforts are made including consulting with Buyers technical personnel SK or its designated agent will furnish on-site warranty service at SK expense.


SK solely reserves the right to designate persons or groups of persons as agents of SK for the providing of warranty service.  Unless specifically furnished in writing and signed by a corporate officer of SK, any agent so designated to provide warranty service has no authority, express or implied, to act in any authority except to provide such service.


During the entire warranty period, charges will be made, in accordance with prices and services in effect at the time of delivery of such parts and services, for parts and services which fall into the general category of normal maintenance, are needed to make additions or modifications requested by the Buyer, or are needed to make repairs not covered by this warranty.


This warranty is valid and applicable only if the Buyer has followed SK approved maintenance schedules and procedures.  If such schedules and procedures have not been followed, SK reserves the right to cancel in whole or in part this warranty.


Equipment or parts which have been subject to abuse, misuse, accident, alteration, neglect, unauthorized repair, modification, or installation are not covered by warranty. SK shall make the final determination as to the existence and cause of any alleged defect.  No liability is assumed for expendable items such as lamps, fuses, o-rings, lubricants, and such nor any liability related to the failure of such expendables.


This warranty is the only warranty made by SK with respect to equipment, parts, or goods delivered hereunder, and may be modified or amended only by a written instrument signed by a duly authorized officer of SK and accepted by the Buyer.  Except as provided herein, SK MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, AND SK.  EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR PROCESS.